Friday, April 17, 2009

With the amount of activities going on recently, GSAC has decided to nix the meeting scheduled for 4/29.

Instead, we encourage all of you to attend the Sociology Department's end of the year gathering on May 7. Meet other graduate students, chat with faculty, and enjoy the afternoon.
Impromptu Meeting Today!
4/17, 3:00 PM in 304 Lincoln Hall

Also, thanks to all of the current graduate students who attended the Open House yesterday to welcome our incoming cohort!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Thanks & Grad Student Mixer

Thanks to everyone who came to the meeting tonight! We appreciate your suggestions on how to proceed.

Also, here's an upcoming event!

Graduate Student Mixer
Thursday, April 9, 2009
5:00 pm
Bresee Lounge, First Floor, Alice Campbell Alumni Center, 601 S. Lincoln Avenue , Urbana

Network with graduate students from all over campus, learn about your alumni association and chat with your student representatives. Snacks will be provided and a cash bar available. All graduate and professional students, friends and family are welcome!